Earlier this week, I submitted my filing documents to the Secretary of State's office, and today received a letter stating that my name will be placed on the June election ballot as a legislative candidate for the office of House of Representatives in District 7 in the primary election for the Republican party.
I have been truly humbled by the overwhelming support I have received in these efforts, through gathering signatures, and the number of people I have talked to who are excited for my campaign. I turned in 100 more names than were required to be placed on the ballot, holding many great conversations with people about what they want from a representative in the process of gathering those signatures.
My goal is to represent the people of District 7 in the House with the goal of solving problems, focusing especially those issues that challenge us in our day-to-day lives.
But I can't do that without your help. Let me know if you'd like a yard sign for your front yard, or if you're willing to help get out the vote, tell your friends and neighbors about my campaign, or make a donation.
I look forward to going to work for you.